Banned Player Name:
IP Address:
Ban Date:Sep 17, 2016
Banned By:MattyD
Ban Reason:Immature, flaming, rude, abusive
Evidence of Ban:Looking at the logs, this is just from midnight. It went on much longer.
[00:00:22] HeracrossTurtwig > use D E F I B S
[00:00:26] HeracrossTurtwig > free 100 points
[00:00:33] Crispy1610 > or 20
[00:00:45] HeracrossTurtwig > 100 if u full charge like u should be doing
[00:00:53] HeracrossTurtwig > or ur a piece of shit
[00:00:55] Cescodelfini - US Army - Charlie > ya juanito
[00:00:59] Crispy1610 > yeah thatbut nobody does
[00:01:37] Cescodelfini - US Army - Charlie > rip
[00:01:47] DAoGie - US Army - Alpha > nice
[00:01:48] Urawally > jammy
[00:01:49] Sebasceb - US Army - Charlie > rip in pedazos
[00:02:09] Valras > oh come on wkd
[00:02:12] MULTIbalancer > All: Preparing to autobalance ... (MOVE ON DEATH)
[00:02:28] MULTIbalancer > All: *** MOVED Soldierseven for balance ...
[00:04:22] Fatbuoy85 - Russian Army > lockers
[00:05:25] HeracrossTurtwig > why do defibs not work sometimes
[00:05:29] HeracrossTurtwig > fucking potato game
[00:05:41] HimKioo > LOL
[00:05:44] DAoGie > because the ragdolls is fucked up
[00:06:08] Isyndor > M32 NOOB
[00:06:09] Valras > You need to love it with your hearth, the game that is, to be able to work
[00:06:17] HeracrossTurtwig > shut up nerd
[00:06:31] El_Guwanjee_Man > oh im sorry weren't you the guy sitting there with a bipod and lmg?
[00:06:35] El_Guwanjee_Man > not you m4
[00:06:36] ShadowFax75 > Isyndor no noob calling here. All weapons allowed
[00:06:57] HimKioo - Russian Army > :/ sorry
[00:07:06] hez07 - Russian Army > are they all at AAAAA
[00:07:22] RuntimeTom > nice nade
[00:07:24] Valras > Heracross, I sense a strong disturbance in your body, can I use my force to cleanse it?
[00:07:26] El_Guwanjee_Man > TY
[00:07:41] RewardingPie1 > Ew
[00:07:58] HeracrossTurtwig > every time i reinstall this game it seems to get broken even more
[00:08:04] xXErenikXx - US Army > dude place some radios
[00:08:37] ShadowFax75 - US Army > dude don't stand in front of someone with a m32 grenade launcher
[00:08:55] HANKBROR - Russian Army > thanks for reviving me
[00:09:14] HeracrossTurtwig - US Army > u dont need to name the type of nade launcher it is
[00:09:32] xXErenikXx - US Army > i dont eve have a grenade louncher
[00:09:32] HeracrossTurtwig - US Army > u can just say "dont stand infront of me you fucking idiot im trying to shoot russains"
[00:09:47] El_Guwanjee_Man > maybe he feels like being specific
[00:09:55] ShadowFax75 - US Army > I don't need to do that indeed. But I wanted to
06] HeracrossTurtwig > im sorry do u i know u
17] hez07 - Russian Army - Alpha > all on me at C
27] ShadowFax75 - US Army > Think so, we are all on the same side
29] Crispy1610 > everybody knows guwanjee!!
50] El_Guwanjee_Man > at least my baloclava and smell of chloroform
53] hez07 - Russian Army - Alpha > im dead
[00:11:05] HeracrossTurtwig > C R I N G E
[00:11:25] El_Guwanjee_Man > ah so u do know me
[00:12:01] HeracrossTurtwig > cringe memer
[00:12:28] El_Guwanjee_Man > you dont like memes, get off the internet lol
[00:12:35] xXErenikXx - US Army > WE NEED SOME RADIO BEACONS
[00:12:41] HeracrossTurtwig > i like memes not cringe memes
[00:12:48] El_Guwanjee_Man > its all subjective
[00:12:58] HeracrossTurtwig > ya i agree up until the point of no return
[00:13:00] HeracrossTurtwig > aka this guys memes
[00:13:01] RewardingPie1 > What is a cringe meme
[00:13:09] HeracrossTurtwig > u will see next time he says something stupid
[00:13:23] hez07 - Russian Army - Alpha > what a team..
[00:13:38] Crispy1610 > something stupid...
[00:13:40] El_Guwanjee_Man > lol
[00:13:53] El_Guwanjee_Man > he sucks the fun out of everythig, bloody meme hipsters
[00:14:00] hez07 - Russian Army > bizzillions at the doors
[00:14:00] HeracrossTurtwig > see ur not funny
[00:14:01] HeracrossTurtwig > shush
[00:14:06] El_Guwanjee_Man > make me
[00:14:16] El_Guwanjee_Man > so adorable
[00:14:22] RewardingPie1 > Sing me the song of your people
[00:14:22] CrackJackFlood > /5
[00:14:34] HeracrossTurtwig > no im not chinese
[00:14:36] El_Guwanjee_Man > careful he will cringe
[00:14:39] Crispy1610 > NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP!!!
[00:14:53] IronDog55 > OK "Ring a ding ding baaauuj m baaaaauuum, weeee"
[00:14:58] RewardingPie1 > Omgzzz that's like totally cringe okay
[00:15:08] El_Guwanjee_Man > erhmehgerd! cringe!
[00:15:08] RewardingPie1 > Yah
[00:15:18] hez07 - Russian Army - Alpha > did they destroy the beacon?
[00:15:44] HeracrossTurtwig > cringe meme is like the kids who said "i was born in tha wrong geneartion lol!!"
[00:15:47] hez07 - Russian Army - Alpha > there on CCCCCC
[00:15:48] HeracrossTurtwig > like this kid cus he wasnt supposed to be born at all
[00:15:59] Crispy1610 > how about, "i know a song that will get on your nerves get on your nerves
[00:16:12] RewardingPie1 > Yup, I think that sums him up
[00:16:18] El_Guwanjee_Man > lol "kid"? how old are you?
[00:16:21] HeracrossTurtwig > 11
[00:16:29] TorpedoSnake > haha
[00:16:36] Valras > aaaaaaaand, you came from CoD righty?
[00:16:41] HeracrossTurtwig > no
[00:16:46] HeracrossTurtwig > i came from ur mom
[00:16:48] HeracrossTurtwig > haha nerd
[00:16:51] Crispy1610 > isnt it past your bed time
[00:16:57] HeracrossTurtwig > its only like 7 pm??
[00:17:05] IronDog55 > Psycho wolf says "Stick your dick intyo a hive of angry bees and have a danger wank"
[00:17:06] Crispy1610 > back in my day brats went to bed early
[00:17:14] Valras > My mum doesnt raise idiots like you mate
[00:17:15] ShadowFax75 > ok, guys. Just play. Don't try to insult each other here
[00:17:24] HeracrossTurtwig > he called me an idiot wah
[00:17:39] El_Guwanjee_Man > nothing wrong with being respectful
[00:17:51] CrackJackFlood > MAKE LOVE NOT WAR
[00:17:51] HeracrossTurtwig > they are making fun of me cus im chinese
[00:17:53] HeracrossTurtwig > its not funny!!
[00:17:54] Fatbuoy85 - Russian Army > janajk drop ammo
[00:17:58] IronDog55 > Thers having a Laugh and being a cunt
[00:18:05] DAoGie > my city wok
[00:18:01] MULTIbalancer > All: Preparing to autobalance ... (MOVE ON DEATH)
[00:18:09] Valras > Ay, I aint getting upset by you mate, as soon as you get some hair down there then we can
[00:18:15] Valras > the insulting
[00:18:28] MULTIbalancer > All: *** MOVED WKD555 for balance ...
[00:18:59] HeracrossTurtwig > i got 4 xp boosters in 1 gold box
[00:19:01] HeracrossTurtwig > cus im GOD
[00:19:09] DAoGie > I got 7
[00:19:16] HeracrossTurtwig > haha LOL funny SPONGEBOB MEME
[00:19:19] hez07 - Russian Army > nice on A
[00:19:53] Crapieee > nuke em
[00:20:11] HeracrossTurtwig > no russia!
[00:20:15] ShadowFax75 > only a few tickets left
[00:20:29] Valras - US Army - Alpha > GUWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
[00:20:38] El_Guwanjee_Man - US Army - Alpha > yo?
[00:20:34] MULTIbalancer > All: *** Teams will be SCRAMBLED next round!
[00:20:34] MULTIbalancer > All: Winner was team 2 (RU)
[00:20:34] MULTIbalancer > All: Map = Operation Metro 2014, mode = Conquest Large, time in round = 00:21:32, tickets = 0/286 <- [800]
[00:20:42] TorpedoSnake > gg
[00:20:42] HeracrossTurtwig > Ez
[00:20:44] RuntimeTom > gg
[00:20:45] Valras - US Army - Alpha > I hate those fucking new players from CoD
[00:20:45] HeracrossTurtwig > look at that score
[00:20:46] neo08061972 > night all
[00:20:47] Cescodelfini > cancer
[00:20:48] HeracrossTurtwig > noobs got carried into a loss
[00:20:48] CrackJackFlood > gg
[00:20:52] WKD555 > may aswellshoot into spawn ffs]
[00:20:57] Fatbuoy85 > gg and gn
[00:20:58] neo08061972 - US Army - Alpha > nn fun as always all
[00:20:59] hez07 > gret game
[00:21:05] El_Guwanjee_Man - US Army - Alpha > likewise man
[00:21:06] Valras - US Army - Alpha > Thats one reason I will stay with BF4 then 1
[00:21:24] CrackJackFlood > you shouldnt be complaining about noobs there keeping the game alive
[00:21:29] Urawally > nn ta for ggs
[00:21:37] Cescodelfini > cancer
[00:22:32] RuntimeTom > toga: Alpha
[00:23:21] RuntimeTom - Chinese Army > shadow, join A
[00:23:40] RuntimeTom - Chinese Army > and wkd too
[00:23:42] hez07 - Chinese Army > wtf
[00:00:22] HeracrossTurtwig > use D E F I B S
[00:00:26] HeracrossTurtwig > free 100 points
[00:00:33] Crispy1610 > or 20
[00:00:45] HeracrossTurtwig > 100 if u full charge like u should be doing
[00:00:53] HeracrossTurtwig > or ur a piece of shit
[00:00:55] Cescodelfini - US Army - Charlie > ya juanito
[00:00:59] Crispy1610 > yeah thatbut nobody does
[00:01:37] Cescodelfini - US Army - Charlie > rip
[00:01:47] DAoGie - US Army - Alpha > nice
[00:01:48] Urawally > jammy
[00:01:49] Sebasceb - US Army - Charlie > rip in pedazos
[00:02:09] Valras > oh come on wkd
[00:02:12] MULTIbalancer > All: Preparing to autobalance ... (MOVE ON DEATH)
[00:02:28] MULTIbalancer > All: *** MOVED Soldierseven for balance ...
[00:04:22] Fatbuoy85 - Russian Army > lockers
[00:05:25] HeracrossTurtwig > why do defibs not work sometimes
[00:05:29] HeracrossTurtwig > fucking potato game
[00:05:41] HimKioo > LOL
[00:05:44] DAoGie > because the ragdolls is fucked up
[00:06:08] Isyndor > M32 NOOB
[00:06:09] Valras > You need to love it with your hearth, the game that is, to be able to work
[00:06:17] HeracrossTurtwig > shut up nerd
[00:06:31] El_Guwanjee_Man > oh im sorry weren't you the guy sitting there with a bipod and lmg?
[00:06:35] El_Guwanjee_Man > not you m4
[00:06:36] ShadowFax75 > Isyndor no noob calling here. All weapons allowed
[00:06:57] HimKioo - Russian Army > :/ sorry
[00:07:06] hez07 - Russian Army > are they all at AAAAA
[00:07:22] RuntimeTom > nice nade
[00:07:24] Valras > Heracross, I sense a strong disturbance in your body, can I use my force to cleanse it?
[00:07:26] El_Guwanjee_Man > TY
[00:07:41] RewardingPie1 > Ew
[00:07:58] HeracrossTurtwig > every time i reinstall this game it seems to get broken even more
[00:08:04] xXErenikXx - US Army > dude place some radios
[00:08:37] ShadowFax75 - US Army > dude don't stand in front of someone with a m32 grenade launcher
[00:08:55] HANKBROR - Russian Army > thanks for reviving me
[00:09:14] HeracrossTurtwig - US Army > u dont need to name the type of nade launcher it is
[00:09:32] xXErenikXx - US Army > i dont eve have a grenade louncher
[00:09:32] HeracrossTurtwig - US Army > u can just say "dont stand infront of me you fucking idiot im trying to shoot russains"
[00:09:47] El_Guwanjee_Man > maybe he feels like being specific
[00:09:55] ShadowFax75 - US Army > I don't need to do that indeed. But I wanted to






[00:11:05] HeracrossTurtwig > C R I N G E
[00:11:25] El_Guwanjee_Man > ah so u do know me
[00:12:01] HeracrossTurtwig > cringe memer
[00:12:28] El_Guwanjee_Man > you dont like memes, get off the internet lol
[00:12:35] xXErenikXx - US Army > WE NEED SOME RADIO BEACONS
[00:12:41] HeracrossTurtwig > i like memes not cringe memes
[00:12:48] El_Guwanjee_Man > its all subjective
[00:12:58] HeracrossTurtwig > ya i agree up until the point of no return
[00:13:00] HeracrossTurtwig > aka this guys memes
[00:13:01] RewardingPie1 > What is a cringe meme
[00:13:09] HeracrossTurtwig > u will see next time he says something stupid
[00:13:23] hez07 - Russian Army - Alpha > what a team..
[00:13:38] Crispy1610 > something stupid...
[00:13:40] El_Guwanjee_Man > lol
[00:13:53] El_Guwanjee_Man > he sucks the fun out of everythig, bloody meme hipsters
[00:14:00] hez07 - Russian Army > bizzillions at the doors
[00:14:00] HeracrossTurtwig > see ur not funny
[00:14:01] HeracrossTurtwig > shush
[00:14:06] El_Guwanjee_Man > make me
[00:14:16] El_Guwanjee_Man > so adorable
[00:14:22] RewardingPie1 > Sing me the song of your people
[00:14:22] CrackJackFlood > /5
[00:14:34] HeracrossTurtwig > no im not chinese
[00:14:36] El_Guwanjee_Man > careful he will cringe
[00:14:39] Crispy1610 > NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP!!!
[00:14:53] IronDog55 > OK "Ring a ding ding baaauuj m baaaaauuum, weeee"
[00:14:58] RewardingPie1 > Omgzzz that's like totally cringe okay
[00:15:08] El_Guwanjee_Man > erhmehgerd! cringe!
[00:15:08] RewardingPie1 > Yah
[00:15:18] hez07 - Russian Army - Alpha > did they destroy the beacon?
[00:15:44] HeracrossTurtwig > cringe meme is like the kids who said "i was born in tha wrong geneartion lol!!"
[00:15:47] hez07 - Russian Army - Alpha > there on CCCCCC
[00:15:48] HeracrossTurtwig > like this kid cus he wasnt supposed to be born at all
[00:15:59] Crispy1610 > how about, "i know a song that will get on your nerves get on your nerves
[00:16:12] RewardingPie1 > Yup, I think that sums him up
[00:16:18] El_Guwanjee_Man > lol "kid"? how old are you?
[00:16:21] HeracrossTurtwig > 11
[00:16:29] TorpedoSnake > haha
[00:16:36] Valras > aaaaaaaand, you came from CoD righty?
[00:16:41] HeracrossTurtwig > no
[00:16:46] HeracrossTurtwig > i came from ur mom
[00:16:48] HeracrossTurtwig > haha nerd
[00:16:51] Crispy1610 > isnt it past your bed time
[00:16:57] HeracrossTurtwig > its only like 7 pm??
[00:17:05] IronDog55 > Psycho wolf says "Stick your dick intyo a hive of angry bees and have a danger wank"
[00:17:06] Crispy1610 > back in my day brats went to bed early
[00:17:14] Valras > My mum doesnt raise idiots like you mate
[00:17:15] ShadowFax75 > ok, guys. Just play. Don't try to insult each other here
[00:17:24] HeracrossTurtwig > he called me an idiot wah
[00:17:39] El_Guwanjee_Man > nothing wrong with being respectful
[00:17:51] CrackJackFlood > MAKE LOVE NOT WAR
[00:17:51] HeracrossTurtwig > they are making fun of me cus im chinese
[00:17:53] HeracrossTurtwig > its not funny!!
[00:17:54] Fatbuoy85 - Russian Army > janajk drop ammo
[00:17:58] IronDog55 > Thers having a Laugh and being a cunt
[00:18:05] DAoGie > my city wok
[00:18:01] MULTIbalancer > All: Preparing to autobalance ... (MOVE ON DEATH)
[00:18:09] Valras > Ay, I aint getting upset by you mate, as soon as you get some hair down there then we can
[00:18:15] Valras > the insulting
[00:18:28] MULTIbalancer > All: *** MOVED WKD555 for balance ...
[00:18:59] HeracrossTurtwig > i got 4 xp boosters in 1 gold box
[00:19:01] HeracrossTurtwig > cus im GOD
[00:19:09] DAoGie > I got 7
[00:19:16] HeracrossTurtwig > haha LOL funny SPONGEBOB MEME
[00:19:19] hez07 - Russian Army > nice on A
[00:19:53] Crapieee > nuke em
[00:20:11] HeracrossTurtwig > no russia!
[00:20:15] ShadowFax75 > only a few tickets left
[00:20:29] Valras - US Army - Alpha > GUWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
[00:20:38] El_Guwanjee_Man - US Army - Alpha > yo?
[00:20:34] MULTIbalancer > All: *** Teams will be SCRAMBLED next round!
[00:20:34] MULTIbalancer > All: Winner was team 2 (RU)
[00:20:34] MULTIbalancer > All: Map = Operation Metro 2014, mode = Conquest Large, time in round = 00:21:32, tickets = 0/286 <- [800]
[00:20:42] TorpedoSnake > gg
[00:20:42] HeracrossTurtwig > Ez
[00:20:44] RuntimeTom > gg
[00:20:45] Valras - US Army - Alpha > I hate those fucking new players from CoD
[00:20:45] HeracrossTurtwig > look at that score
[00:20:46] neo08061972 > night all
[00:20:47] Cescodelfini > cancer
[00:20:48] HeracrossTurtwig > noobs got carried into a loss
[00:20:48] CrackJackFlood > gg
[00:20:52] WKD555 > may aswellshoot into spawn ffs]
[00:20:57] Fatbuoy85 > gg and gn
[00:20:58] neo08061972 - US Army - Alpha > nn fun as always all
[00:20:59] hez07 > gret game
[00:21:05] El_Guwanjee_Man - US Army - Alpha > likewise man
[00:21:06] Valras - US Army - Alpha > Thats one reason I will stay with BF4 then 1
[00:21:24] CrackJackFlood > you shouldnt be complaining about noobs there keeping the game alive
[00:21:29] Urawally > nn ta for ggs
[00:21:37] Cescodelfini > cancer
[00:22:32] RuntimeTom > toga: Alpha
[00:23:21] RuntimeTom - Chinese Army > shadow, join A
[00:23:40] RuntimeTom - Chinese Army > and wkd too
[00:23:42] hez07 - Chinese Army > wtf